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Setting the Standard

The Cumbrian Pro Strongman U105kg Invitational

Welcome to the very first Cumbrian Pro Under 105KG Invitational!
Streaming live out of Workington in a flagship new event, in collaboration between Cumbrian Strongman Promotions & Kaos Strength Promotions
Featuring athletes from Eight Countries and a £10,000 Prize pot up for grabs: We hope you’ll join us on what is sure to be a day to remember!

Streamed on 15th February 2025.

Commentary provided by:
Kristine “Panda” Mathews (@Panda_smolbutswole)
Graham Hicks (@GrahamHicksUK)

Max Deadlift: starting at 320KG! (705 lbs)
Log for Reps: Implement weight choice of 130 or 150KG (285 or 330lbs)
Falmers Walk Medley: 15 meters @ 140KG into 15M @ 160KG per hand! (305lbs into 350lbs)
Yoke Run: 15M with 460KG (1010lbs)
Finishing up with:
Natural Stone Loading Medley:
120, 129, 136, 147, 160 & 179KG Stones!
(264, 284, 299, 324, 352 & 394lbs)

PPV Tickets available now.

Purchase of 1 ticket entitles you to access to full stream including VODs when complete.

Tickets allow access immediately once Stream starts & will also email an access code to the Email Provided on the payment gateway. Please double-check spam & junk folders for an email from orders@kaos.live if not received in a timely fashion.

Maximum of 2 devices watching on the same code at the same time.

Tickets will also allow re-watching on Video on Demand of stream once uploaded after stream completes.

If there are any issues with purchasing / receiving tickets: Please reach out using the email link at the top of the page.

Please note; VOD is uploaded off local footage after stream. There may be a delay between the stream ending & the VOD being available.