Welcome to a very special exclusive!
Kaos Live in collaboration with Max Kleinwächter are proud to present the first Kaos Live stream from outside of the UK!
Featuring some of the Strongest Lifters throughout Germany, plus bonus appearances from some international athletes; This is guaranteed to feature some of the Heaviest Deadlifts ever performed on German Soil!
Featuring a world record attempt from Maximilian Wunderlich (@maximilianstrong) at the U80 World Record!
Plus an additional Five Athletes aiming for the German Deadlift record, currently standing at 402.5 KG.
Commentary provided by:
Rhianon Lovelace (@rhi.lovelace)
Max Kleinwächter (@maxkleinwaechter)
Frank Parks (@frankparks_fsc_coaching)
Jonas Diefenbach (@jonaslifts)